Monday, April 13

A Half Marathon

I know it's been a long time since I blogged. Work is still crazy, but I hope to get more blogs in over the next several months. I am going to enter a half marathon in December. As soon as I get my training plan organized, I'll post it. Training doesn't start in earnest until June, but I'll be working on getting in the habit of an early morning workout until then.

I'm not a runner, so I'll be walking it, but I have 4 hours to complete the half marathon and 7 hours to complete the full marathon if I think I'm ready by that time.

I'll keep you all posted and hope to find time to post more!


  1. Hello,

    I found your website through " Mormon moms who blog". I am not a professional runner, either. I have been running for leisure since this past summer, and just ran my second 5K. It was fun. I hope that your half marathon will be a great experience, and I will come back in December to read about this event.

    Good luck!


  2. Found you via MMB.

    I ran my first half marathon last year. I loved it! Well, the farther away it is the more fun I remember it being. You can do it!!!


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